We stock the most popular machines in our warehouse We ship equipment on the same or the next day after receiving final payment. We inspect the package and test the laser (CNC) before sending it out to the customer. We ship by GLOBAL services. Cost-to-cost shipping usually takes 3-8 weeks.
How is a machine packaged? The laser equipment is shipped in wooden crates with styrofoam inside to protect fragile components..
How long is the shipping by sea freight? Larger machines are shipped by sea freight. Typically, it takes from 3 to 8 weeks. We can help you to arrange the delivery directly to your location.
Do I have to import the laser myself? No, you don’t need to do anything. We handle the import and arrange all transportation.
Do I need to pay Tariffs or Customs fees? No, all machines are delivered on DPD terms (Duty Paid Delivery).